Bag Policy & Prohibited Items
Review our Bag Policy and Prohibited Items list to ensure a convenient trip to your next event.
For quickest entry into your BJCC venue, we recommend leaving bags at home. If a bag is necessary, the bag must meet the following criteria:
Bags must be CLEAR plastic, vinyl or PVC and not exceed 12″x6″x12″. Bags cannot be tinted with color or include oversized content that prevents visibility into the clear bag.
Only non-clear bags smaller than 5″x7″ will be permitted entry. Any type of non-clear bag exceeding 5″x7″ in size will not be permitted.
Diaper bags must be clear and meet our bag policy specifications. Baby and infant care items (bottled formula, small snacks) are allowed in the clear diaper bag but must have a child accompanied.
Exceptions to the Bag Policy may be made for medically necessary items after proper inspection by security personnel. Medical bags or special medical equipment can be screened at any of our venues’ entry points for your event. Guests that have these items should alert security to check their bags and tag as a medical-approved bag.
View complete list of Prohibited Items below.
Prohibited Items
Additional prohibited items at our venues include, but are not limited to:
- Aerosol cans
- Balloons
- Batons
- Beach balls
- Brass knuckles
- Bullhorns / noisemakers
- Confetti
- Coolers, ice chests, or thermos containers
- Costume masks
- Drones
- Explosives
- Firearms (including law enforcement personnel not present in an official capacity)
- Fireworks
- Handcuffs
- Inflatable items
- Items too large to fit under a seat
- Knives
- Laptops
- Laser pointers
- Martial arts instruments
- Outside food and beverage
- Pepper spray
- Pets
- Poles (including signs attached to poles)
- Professional recording devices for photography, video or audio
- Selfie sticks
- Signs / Flags / Banners / Posters / Pamphlets
- Skateboards or rollerblades
- Sticks
- Stickers
- Stools or folder chairs
- Strollers
- Stun guns
- Tear gas
- Tripods / Monopods
- Weapons (weapons lockers are not provided)
Guests, including law enforcement personnel not in an official capacity, are prohibited from bringing weapons into the venues. The BJCC does not provide weapon lockers.