BIRMINGHAM, AL – The Birmingham Jefferson Convention Complex board today awarded a $3.9 million contract to rebuild the central outdoor space that connects Legacy Arena to the BJCC’s concert hall, theatre, and exhibit halls.
“The redesigned piazza will be more inviting for public use and more versatile for different kinds of events,” said Tad Snider, CEO of the BJCC. “The space will have a park-like feel, with grassy areas, decorative plants, artistic elements and a water feature.”
Plans are for construction to begin by the end of this year and to be completed by mid-summer in 2025.
“Our goal is to turn a space that is now mostly concrete and bricks and make it an asset for our guests and the community at large,” Snider said. “We want this to be a space you would enjoy for a while before going to a concert or show, and a space that can also host smaller events.”
The project was awarded to SDAC, whose bid of just under $3.9 million was the lowest of three submitted. SDAC is a minority-owned firm that recently conducted the site-grading work for the Coca-Cola Amphitheater.
“We’re pleased to work with SDAC again, and we look forward to seeing a new and improved piazza,” Snider said. “It’s part of our ongoing investments to make the BJCC an even more valuable asset for our community and to make our entire campus the best it can be.”