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Guest FAQs

Your Guide to a Safe and Enjoyable Visit at the BJCC
Frequently Asked Questions

At the BJCC, we prioritize the safety, comfort, and satisfaction of our guests. Our goal is to create a welcoming and accessible environment that ensures visitors have an enjoyable experience. We recommend all reviewing our list of frequently asked questions and security policies beforehand to become familiar with the procedures and make the most out of your time on our campus.

Common Questions

See our Directions and Parking page for info on pre-purchasing your parking and maps.

All BJCC parking lots & garages are cashless – credit cards only.

No. The BJCC is a cashless operation, including all concessions, merchandise, and parking. Cash will not be accepted as a form of payment at any parking, retail, or concession location within venues. The BJCC accepts MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover credit/debit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Tap to Pay.

At select events, we offer the opportunity to purchase pre-loaded debit cards with cash. Contact Guest Services for more information.
(205) 458-8400

The BJCC Central Ticket Office is located at Legacy Arena: Entry A.

1898 9th Ave North Birmingham, AL 35203
(205) 458-8400
Daily Operating Hours: Monday – Friday | 9 am – 4 pm CT
Legacy Arena Event Hours: Opens Two (2) Hours Before Scheduled Show Time

You can purchase tickets for most BJCC events at the Central Ticket Office. To view upcoming events, visit the Events page.

To help everyone have a positive experience when coming to an event, we ask that you bring only essential items needed for the event you are attending. For a comprehensive list of prohibited items, please visit our Bag Policy page.

Bags will be checked at entry point security screenings.

Exceptions to the Clear Bag Policy will only be made for medically necessary items after proper inspection by security personnel. Medical bags or special medical equipment can be screened at any gate entrance. Guests that have these items should identify their needs to the security personnel working the metal detectors, who will check the bag and tag it as a medical-approved bag.

The Clear Bag Policy does not apply to events with the Birmingham Children’s Theatre.

No, outside food and beverage is prohibited. Additional prohibited items include:

  • Alcohol
  • Bota bags or wine skins
  • Water bottles (with the exception of Protective Stadium, where one reusable, clear plastic water bottle, up to 32 ounces is permitted. The bottle must be empty upon entry into the stadium and can be filled at the water monsters or water fountains inside.)
  • Illegal drugs (including cannabis)

Children who have celebrated their 2nd birthday are required to have a ticket.

For show-specific age restrictions that may supersede our standard policy listed above, please check your event on the Events page.

A-Z Guide to the BJCC


ADA parking spaces are available in all parking lots and garages throughout the BJCC complex. ADA parking spaces are for sale on a first-come, first-served basis. Vehicles that park in the designated accessible parking spaces must display either the temporary hang tag or a permanent state license plate with the accessible parking notations.


ADA and wheelchair-accessible seating is available throughout our venues and can be purchased on Guests requiring accessible seating are guaranteed the ability to purchase at least one (1) companion seat. Subject to availability, guests requiring wheelchair seating may purchase up to a total of three (3) companion seats in the same row and contiguous with the wheelchair seat. If contiguous seats have already been sold, seats as close as possible to the wheelchair seat and adjacent companion seat will be offered.  

If you purchased a ticket in the fixed seating area but require an ADA seat, the Ticket Office may be able to assist you by relocating your ticket to an ADA seat. All relocations are provided on a first-come, first-served basis and are not guaranteed. Please contact the Ticket Office at if you have any questions or require assistance purchasing tickets. Tickets are subject to availability.

Accessible Venue EntrancesConcert Hall

Accessible entrances are located at the main Concert Hall entrance, off the piazza/courtyard, and at the 11th Avenue Parking entrance. An entry ramp is located at the 11th Avenue Parking entrance. Drivers may also drop off or pick up guests with mobility issues at the 11th Avenue entrance.

Legacy Arena

Entry A, Entry A2, and Entry B are all accessible entrances into Legacy Arena. There are entry ramps located specifically at Entry A2 and Entry B. In an effort to help guests enter the closest gate to their ticketed seats, please see below for the recommended gate entrances for each seating section:

  • Entry A: Seating Sections – 104-127 & Floor Seating (Lower Bowl) & 204-232 (Upper Bowl)
  • Entry A2: Exclusive entrance only for suite guests and credentialed media
  • Entry B: Seating Sections – 105-115 (Lower Bowl) & 205-215 (Upper Bowl)
  • Entry B2: Exclusive entrance only for Arena Club pass holders (opens 30 minutes prior to other entrances)
  • Entry C (This entry is opened on a show-by-show basis, so please check your specific event page for details prior to arriving): Seating Sections – 116-126 (Lower Bowl) & 216-226 (Upper Bowl)
Exhibition Halls

East Expo Halls: Accessible entrances for the Exhibit Halls and Ballrooms are located on the ground level of the East Exhibition Hall. Elevators are located on the ground level for access to the 2nd-floor main lobby. If accessing the East Building on the 2nd floor from the Hotel/Forum Building skywalk, a ramp is available, in addition to an elevator and escalators for access to all floors. Drivers may drop off or pick up passengers with a mobility issue off Richard Arrington Jr. Blvd in front of the building.

North Expo Halls: The main entrances to the North Exhibition Hall and the North Meeting Rooms are accessible to all guests. The entrance to the North Meeting Rooms is located on the ground level, adjacent to the North Exhibition Hall. Meeting room elevators lie just inside the entrance. Elevators in the North Exhibit Hall are located beside the concession stand. A ramp leading from the main floor is available to access the lounge area.

Protective Stadium

All gates at Protective Stadium are ADA-accessible. In an effort to help guests enter the closest gate to their ticketed seats, please see below for the recommended gate entrances for each seating section:

  • South Gate: Seating Sections – 112-123, 219-223
  • Northwest Gate: Seating Sections – 104-111, 137-146, 207-210, 240-243
  • Northeast Gate: Seating Sections – 124-136, 224-231
  • Suite Tower Entrance: Exclusive entrance only for Suites and Stadium Club guests
BJCC Theatre

The main entrance located off the courtyard/piazza is an accessible entrance into the BJCC Theatre. Drivers may drop off or pick up passengers with mobility issues at the 19th St N. circle (Please Note: this is not a parking location).

Service Animals

The BJCC welcomes, leashed service animals in accordance with ADA Title II and III Law. If you plan on bringing a service animal into a BJCC venue, we recommend contacting our Guest Services Department in advance at

The BJCC is equipped with Assistive Listening Devices for guests free of charge. To obtain an Assistive Listening Device, please visit the venue’s Guest Services location. Please note that guests must leave a driver’s license or a valid form of identification to check out the headset, and devices are available on a first-come, first-serve basis. It is encouraged to make arrangements prior to the event by emailing or calling 205-458-8400.

Mailing address

2100 Richard Arrington Blvd. N Birmingham, AL 35203

*Please use Parking Lot/Garage addresses as your GPS destination when traveling to the venue for your event.

Gain access to advanced ticket sales by subscribing to the Weekly BJCC Insider newsletter. Tickets for all events can be purchased on our Events page.

Children who have celebrated their 2nd birthday are required to have a ticket.

For show-specific age restrictions that may supersede our standard policy listed above, please check the event page.

The BJCC strives to present a safe, pleasant, and family-friendly environment for every guest who visits the complex. To achieve this goal, the following policies have been established to promote the responsible use of alcohol.

  • All guests purchasing alcohol must present a valid ID for each purchase
  • No alcohol will be sold to guests who appear to be impaired
  • There is a two (2) alcohol drink limit per transaction
  • Alcohol sales will generally terminate at the end of the third quarter (football games), the 75th minute (soccer games), or 30 minutes prior to the scheduled end of a show.
  • Guests passing alcohol to minors will be ejected and subject to arrest
  • Guests possessing alcohol, who do not have proof of being at least 21 years of age, may be ejected
  • BJCC personnel reserve the right to refuse the sale of alcohol to any guest
  • Alcoholic beverages may not be brought into any venue. Any attempt to bring alcohol into a venue will be considered a violation of the Code of Conduct and may result in the guests being ejected, arrested, or tickets being revoked
  • No alcoholic beverages may be carried out of the venue. Please dispose of all beverages prior to leaving.

Please drink responsibly.  

Legacy Arena

Nearly every restroom contains a baby changing station, including men’s, women’s, and family restrooms.

BJCC Concert Hall

Family restrooms are available by Portal 1. Baby Changing stations are in select restrooms located throughout the Concert Hall.

Exhibition Halls

Family restrooms and baby changing stations are located in select areas throughout the Exhibition Halls.

Protective Stadium

Nearly every restroom contains a baby changing station, including men’s, women’s, and family restrooms.

BJCC Theatre

Family restrooms and baby changing stations are located in select areas throughout the Theatre.

Bags will be checked at entry point security screenings.

Exceptions to the Clear Bag Policy will only be made for medically necessary items after proper inspection by security personnel. Medical bags or special medical equipment can be screened at any gate entrance. Guests that have these items should identify their needs to the security personnel working the metal detectors, who will check the bag and tag it as a medical-approved bag.

The Clear Bag Policy does not apply to events with the Birmingham Children’s Theatre.

Unless otherwise specified by teams and/or event officials/management, the BJCC welcomes guests bringing small signs, flags, banners, and posters inside the building to show fan support during events.

The following guidelines relate to these items:

  • Item must be related to event
  • Item may not be attached to a stick/pole
  • Item may not be larger than 11″ x 17″ in dimension
  • Item may not obstruct any venue/sponsor signage
  • Item may not be hung, attached, or displayed on any part of the building
  • Item may not contain or display obscene/offensive language and/or pictures, as determined by BJCC management
  • Item may not be constructed or displayed in a manner that may obstruct the view of other guests or in any way create a safety hazard for others as determined by BJCC management.

Binoculars in their case are permitted.

Sign up for the BJCC Insider, a weekly email announcing upcoming events, presales, on-sales, and special offers.

Bottles and cans of any type are prohibited from being brought into BJCC venues. Any guest deliberately concealing alcohol or other prohibited containers found during the security screening process may be prohibited from entering the venue.

The Central Ticket Office is located at Entry A of Legacy Arena.

  • Daily Operating Hours: Mon – Fri | 9 am – 4 pm CT.
  • Legacy Arena Event Hours: Opens two (2) hours before the scheduled show time
  • BJCC Concert Hall Ticket Office: Opens two (2) hours before the scheduled show time
  • Protective Stadium Ticket Office: Opens two (2) hours before scheduled kickoff, except for UAB Blazers which opens four (4) hours before scheduled kickoff.
  • Ticketmaster event tickets can be purchased at the Central Ticket Office, day-of-event venue box office, and on

Cameras with lenses over four (4) inches, tripods, monopods, and “selfie sticks” are prohibited. Please note camera cases and bags that accompany personal cameras must meet the Clear Bag Policy; otherwise, they will be denied entry.

Video cameras and video recording of events in any manner, or through the use of any device, is strictly prohibited.

If an event-specific policy differs from the above, it will be listed on the event detail page.

The BJCC is a cashless operation, including all concessions, merchandise, and parking. Cash will not be accepted as a form of payment at any parking, retail, or concession location within venues.

All catering and concessions are provided in-house by the BJCC food & beverage team.

Individual cell phone chargers, including the charging block/cord and external rechargeable battery pack varieties, are permitted. Guests should be prepared to demonstrate the device’s operational use to security personnel upon request.

Charging stations are available at Guest Services locations inside Legacy Arena and Protective Stadium.

Children who have celebrated their 2nd birthday are required to have a ticket.

  • Guests will be treated with courtesy by all venue personnel, and guests are expected to show similar respect to all staff.
  • Guests will not wear or bring signage with obscenities printed on them.
  • Guests will enjoy an experience free of disruptive behavior, foul or abusive language, and obscene gestures.
  • Guests engaging in fighting, throwing objects, or attempting to enter the stage/playing field will be removed immediately from the property; refunds will not be given on tickets.
  • Guests will remain in their ticketed seat/area and will not impede other guests in their ticketed seat/area or block nearby aisles; guests will provide venue staff proof of tickets when requested.
  • Smoking is prohibited in the venue but allowed in designated areas.
  • Guests consuming alcoholic beverages should do so responsibly; intervention with intoxicated or underage guests will be handled in a prompt and safe manner.
  • Guests will comply with venue staff in emergency response procedures.

Guests who violate the Code of Conduct may be removed without refund for any other conduct that may be deemed by Protective Stadium staff to be inappropriate or behavior that may adversely affect the safety of persons or property and to the extent their conduct constitutes a violation of law, may be subject to arrest.

We want to hear from you! Guests interested in providing comments, compliments, or concerns regarding your experience at the BJCC can do so by visiting our Guest Services locations or emailing

Laptop computers are not permitted. Tablets (e.g., iPads) are permitted if they are smaller than 12”x12”x6” in size and can be powered on during the security screening if requested.

Concessions are cashless and available at all ticketed events unless otherwise stated.

Coolers are not permitted.

Costumes are permitted for guests 14 years old and younger.

For event-specific questions, please refer to the Events page for your upcoming event’s information.

BJCC is a cashless facility and accepts MasterCard, Visa, American Express and Discover credit/debit cards, Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Tap to Pay.

Diaper bags are permitted as long as they comply with the Clear Bag Policy.

When traveling to the BJCC for an event, we suggest arriving early and setting the parking lot/garage address as your destination location for the most efficient route to the venue. We suggest downloading Google Maps and utilizing addresses listed on the Directions & Parking page.

Events in Legacy Arena, the BJCC Concert Hall, and the BJCC Theatre open one hour prior to the showtime printed on your ticket unless otherwise stated on the Events page. Gate times at Protective Stadium vary by event – UAB and USFL football gates open 90 minutes prior to kickoff and Legion FC gates open 60 minutes prior to kickoff.

Drones, model aircraft, kites, and any other remote-controlled or tethered flying objects are not permitted on the BJCC campus.


Guests are encouraged to check the event detail page for event-specific info. Be sure to keep an eye out for Know Before You Go emails that contain important information prior to arriving on event day. These emails will be sent to the email address associated with the ticket purchaser’s Ticketmaster account.

In the event of an emergency, event staff, event security, and police officers are available to assist all guests. Pertinent information regarding the emergency and evacuation procedures will be provided over the public-address system.

Learn more about working at the BJCC and view available job opportunities on the Careers page.

In the interest of player/artist and guest safety, the BJCC maintains a zero-tolerance policy regarding guest interference with a ball in play or a player/artist during the event. Failure to comply with this policy will result in immediate ejection from the venue.

BJCC does not accept fan mail on behalf of any event, athlete, or performer. Please do not mail letters, photos or gifts.

We want to hear from you! Guests interested in providing comments, compliments, or concerns regarding your experience at the BJCC can do so by visiting our Guest Services locations or emailing


Guests are reminded that attempting to enter or access the playing field or stage without the proper credentials is a violation of the Fan Code of Conduct and is grounds for immediate ejection and arrest.

Trained emergency medical technicians (EMT) personnel are available to assist any guest in need at every event at the BJCC. Guests that require medical assistance are encouraged to contact any nearby Team Member or Security Personnel.

In addition, the BJCC is equipped with Automatic External Defibrillators (AED) located in various locations throughout the facility. Designated employees, including our EMT staff, have been properly trained and certified to use the AED.


Outside food and beverages of any kind are prohibited from entering the BJCC.

Our venues offer a wide variety of food and beverage (non-alcoholic and alcoholic) choices. Concession favorites are offered, along with a variety of other selections from specialty vendors.

Event times are listed for each event on the Events page. Start times are subject to change.

The BJCC does not offer group ticket sales. Group offers may exist on an event-by event basis and will be included under event details on the Events page.

Guest Services are located at each venue. Guest Services can assist guests with lost & found items, reuniting parents and children, guest feedback, complex directions, and general information.

Looking for a place to stay near the BJCC? There are two hotels located on our campus within short walking distance of our venues.

Sheraton Birmingham Hotel The Westin Birmingham

The BJCC does not offer in-game messaging on the video board during events.

Guests requiring interpreting services may request accommodations by contacting at least 30 days prior to the scheduled event. Interpretive services cannot be guaranteed for every event; however, we will make every effort to accommodate each request with appropriate advance notice.

If you have purchased tickets to an upcoming event through Ticketmaster, you will receive a “Know Before You Go” email within 24 hours of the event start time. This email contains important information regarding arrival, entry, etc. These emails will be sent to the email address associated with the ticket purchaser’s Ticketmaster account. This information can also be found under your event’s details on the Events page.

If you find an item while attending a game/event, please give it to any event team member or drop it off at any Guest Services location.

For lost and found information during an event, guests should visit Guest Services located in the venue. After the conclusion of an event, guests can inquire about lost items by filing a claim on either the Protective Stadium Lost & Found page or the BJCC Lost & Found page.

Once a lost and found form is submitted, please allow one (1) business day for a response. Guests will only receive an email if the missing item is found.

The BJCC is not responsible for lost or damaged items.

Please alert an Event Staff member and/or Guest Services if you are lost or have lost a child.

If you see a cleanliness or maintenance issue, please bring it to the attention of any event team member and the appropriate event team member will be dispatched to handle the issue.

For media inquiries and credential requests, please contact Katy Knauss at

Medical bags or special medical equipment can be screened at any venue entrance. Guests that have these items should identify their needs to the security personnel working the metal detectors. They will check the bag and tag it as a medical-approved bag.

Please alert an Event Staff member, Guest Services member, or medical staff member for emergency medical needs.

Guests will be subject to security screening prior to entry, along with inspection of all approved clear bags and carry-in items. Security staff will utilize walk-through magnetometers and/or handheld metal detectors to screen all guests at security checkpoints. Guests are asked to form single-file lines and continue walking through detectors. If further screening is necessary, security staff will alert the guest. Please have all bags open for security staff and be prepared to remove any item from inside the bag if requested for closer inspection. Guests electing not to consent to the metal detector screening or a bag search will be denied entry.

Military discount tickets are available for specific events only. Please check your event’s ticketing information or contact the Central Ticket Office for more information at

To avoid reliance on cell tower connectivity during times of peak traffic on event day, be sure to save your tickets to your phone’s Apple Wallet or Google Pay in advance of event day for the quickest and easiest entry process. Screenshots or recordings of tickets are not valid for entry. To improve the event day experience and speed up the entry experience, we recommend you individually transfer tickets to the rest of your group before the day of the event.

The BJCC does not schedule National Anthem performers for events. To inquire about singing the National Anthem at any event, please contact the individual teams/event organizer through their website.


Noise-making devices are not permitted inside. This includes but is not limited to items such as air horns, cowbells, and whistles.

For your privacy and convenience, Nursing Mother’s Rooms are located throughout our venues.

  • Protective Stadium: Located in the Northeast Corner of the Concourse by the KultureCity Sensory Room.
  • Legacy Arena: Located on the main concourse behind seating sections 129/130.
  • Concert Hall: Located in First Aid in the main entrance lobby.
  • Theatre: Located in the main entrance lobby.
  • Exhibition Hall: Varies per event. Please ask any nearby event staff member for assistance in locating the designated Nursing Mothers Room.

You can pre-purchase parking for most events taking place on the BJCC’s campus using the widget located on the Directions & Parking page.

Please note that this is the only place to pre-purchase authorized event parking; we no longer pre-sell parking on Ticketmaster.

Pre-purchase parking will close at 4 PM the day before your event.

If parking is no longer available to pre-purchase, all parking locations are pay-on-site upon arrival for $20 (credit cards only).

Police and security personnel patrol parking lots, perform security screenings, and are available on all levels of the facility. They are there to assist in providing a safe and enjoyable event environment by enforcing of the Guest Code of Conduct and assisting with unruly fans or impaired guests. You may request their assistance through any event team member or by visiting a Guest Services location.

For information regarding premium seating and suite availability, please contact

To help everyone have a positive experience when coming to an event, we ask that you bring only essential items needed for the event you are attending. For a comprehensive list of prohibited items, please visit our Bag Policy page.

Metro Area Express (MAX) is the bus system operated by the Birmingham Jefferson County Transit Authority (BJCTA) that provides public transportation in Central Alabama. To find the route that’s best for you, use the MAX Trip Planner or contact MAX at (205) 521-0101.

Event Shuttles may be available on a per-event basis. Please check the event detail page or “Know Before You Go” e-mail that is sent to all ticket purchasers that will include specific event day information and details.

In accordance with security procedures, guests may not exit and re-enter the venue using the same ticket. A valid ticket that has NOT been scanned is required for every entry into the venue.

Numerous restrooms are located throughout the BJCC complex, all of which are accessible to our guests.

Protective Stadium & Legacy Arena

Men’s, Women’s, and Family Restrooms are located throughout the concourse. All restrooms are ADA accessible, and nearly all are equipped with a baby-changing table. Please ask any staff member for directions to the closest restroom.

Concert Hall

Restrooms are located off the main lobby at Portal 1 and Portal 7, and a family restroom is located at Portal 1 on the main floor.

Expo Halls

All of the Exhibition Halls, Ballrooms, and Meeting Rooms restrooms are accessible to guests. Restrooms for the East Exhibit Halls are located on the 2nd-floor main lobby area. Restrooms for the East Ballrooms are located on the ground-floor lobby area, and the East Meeting Rooms are located in the 3rd-floor main lobby area.

The North and South Exhibition Hall restrooms are located on the main level, and the restrooms for the North Meeting Rooms are located in the 2nd-floor lobby.


All of the Theatre’s restrooms are accessible to guests.  Restrooms and water fountains are available on the main lobby level.

Guests are at their own risk with respect to the dangers incidental to football/basketball games and other events, whether occurring prior to, during, or after the actual game or event. The BJCC, the teams, and other promoters are not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged property.

In the event of an emergency or safety alert at the BJCC, event staff, event security, and police officers are available to assist all guests. Pertinent information regarding the emergency and evacuation procedures will be provided over the public-address system and posted on social media accounts.

To acquire season ticket information, please contact the individual team/promoter directly.


Selfie Sticks are not permitted inside the BJCC.


The BJCC is Sensory Inclusive™ certified and has partnered with KultureCity to improve our ability to assist and accommodate guests with sensory needs. Our objective is to provide an inclusive and seamless experience for all guests for all events, including those with sensory needs. We strive to raise awareness of the needs and challenges faced by individuals with sensory processing disorders by supplying our team members with continuous training and by offering the resources and accommodations below to our guests.

All our facilities, including Protective Stadium, Legacy Arena, and the BJCC Concert Hall, are certified.

Sensory Rooms

Protective Stadium and Legacy Arena are both equipped with KultureCity Sensory Rooms available for guests with sensory processing needs and provide an inclusive and comfortable space that is equipped with dim lighting and a range of multisensory products. Our sensory rooms are open to all guests with sensory sensitivities and are open for all events from the time doors open through the end of the event. Children using the sensory room must be accompanied by an adult.

The KultureCity Sensory Room at Protective Stadium is located on the concourse by the Northeast gate entrance, and at Legacy Arena is located on the concourse behind seating section 127.

On event day, please contact any Guest Services team member with questions or assistance navigating to the sensory room. Access to the Sensory Room may be limited given certain circumstances (e.g., guests with extraordinary needs, demand, etc.).

Sensory Kits

Sensory bags are available for guests to check out at our Guest Services locations inside Protective Stadium, Legacy Arena, and the Concert Hall at no cost. Sensory bags include a VIP lanyard for guest recognition, fidget tools, noise-reducing headphones, and a visual cue card. A writable weighted lap pad with markers is also available as needed.

If you have any questions prior to the event day, please email

The BJCC is a non-smoking facility. All guests are prohibited from smoking (including electronic cigarettes, vaporizers, or similar products) inside and outside our venues except within designated smoking areas.

Protective Stadium

Located on the East concourse behind sections 124/125 and 127/128

Legacy Arena

Located on the main concourse behind sections 124/125

Follow the BJCC on Facebook and Instagram.

Any unauthorized solicitation or commercial promotion on BJCC grounds (including parking lots) is strictly prohibited and may result in confiscation of promotional materials and/or ejection.

Arena & Stadium

Strollers are NOT permitted. Car seats are permitted entry but should not in any way inhibit guest movement or block any seats/aisles.

Concert Hall

Strollers are permitted but must be stored in the main entrance lobby and not in any way inhibit guest movement or block any seats/aisles.

Expo Halls

Strollers and car seats are permitted entry but should not in any way inhibit guest movement or block any seats/aisles.

For information regarding suite availability, please contact

Guests with illegally duplicated tickets will not be permitted entry into any venue.

Tickets to BJCC events can be purchased through, the Ticketmaster app, or the Central Ticket Office.

The BJCC Central Ticket Office (CTO) is located on the ground level at Entry A of Legacy Arena on 9th Avenue N. Guests must enter through the outside Ticket Office entry. The Central Ticket Office is open Monday – Friday from 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM* for general ticket sales.

*These times are subject to change. Please email for more information.

Venue-specific ticket office locations may be open on event days to assist with ticket purchases, resolution, etc.

All sales are final. There are no refunds or exchanges.

Guests that purchase tickets from someone other than Ticketmaster, the BJCC, or event-specific ticketing office do so at their own risk as those tickets may be counterfeit. BJCC associates are not responsible for and will not provide a replacement or refund of any kind for invalid tickets purchased through a secondary ticket provider. 

For assistance when purchasing tickets, visually impaired guests should contact the Ticket Office at or Guest Services at

Protective Stadium

WaterMonsters featuring 150-gallon tanks of cold filtered water are located throughout Protective Stadium to assist fans in staying cool and hydrated. Empty, reusable water bottles no larger than 32 oz. may be brought in to the stadium to be filled. Locations may differ per event. For assistance locating the WaterMonsters, guests may visit any Guest Services location.

Legacy Arena

Located on the main concourse behind seating sections 102/103, 114/115, 118/119, 123/124, on the Club level by the bar, and inside the Arena Club.

Concert Hall

Water fountains are located near Portals 1 & 6.

Expo Halls

For the East Exhibition Hall, water fountains are located on the 2nd-floor main lobby area, and the East Ballroom’s water fountains are located in the ground-floor lobby area.

For the North and South Exhibition Halls, water fountains are located on the main level. For the North Meeting Rooms, water fountains are located in the 2nd-floor lobby.


Weapons and firearms of all kinds are prohibited inside the BJCC venues, including off-duty law enforcement officials attending the event.

Wheelchair inventory is limited for patient transport in emergency responses. Guests requiring mobility assistance should make arrangements to provide their own wheelchairs.

To assist guests with accessing mobile tickets, Wi-Fi is available at all venue entrances. When arriving near the entrances, connect to “MOBILE-Tickets” on your smartphone and then enter your email address to authenticate. We strongly suggest downloading your tickets prior to arriving on the event day.

Once inside, Legacy Arena also offers free public WiFi – simply enter your email and connect to network “Legacy-Arena.”

A photo ID of the person who placed the order is required to receive the ticket.

Protective Stadium

Will Call is located at the South Gate Ticket Office and opens two hours prior to the event start time, with the exception of UAB Football, which opens 4 hours prior to kickoff.

Legacy Arena

Will Call is located at the Central Ticket Office (Entry A) and opens 2 hours prior to the event start time.

Concert Hall & Theatre

Will Call is located near the venues’ main entrances and opens 2 hours prior to the event start time.

Expo Halls

Will Call location and opening times may vary. Please refer to the event’s official website or our event detail page for more info if available.

Upcoming Events

Don’t miss out on our upcoming events at BJCC! From concerts and shows to conventions and sporting events, we have something for everyone. Book your tickets now and experience the best entertainment in Alabama!

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